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Pregnancy week by week

Week by Week pregnancy

Weeks 4 - 12

Congratulations, you're pregnant! A lot happens during the first trimester of pregnancy. From pregnancy symptoms to baby’s development, here's what to know about the first trimester weeks, from 4 weeks to 12 weeks pregnant.

4 Weeks pregnant At 4 weeks pregnant, pregnancy symptoms may kick in, and baby is turning from a blastocyst into an embryo.

5 Weeks pregnant At 5 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling mood swings, and baby is developing major organs.

6 Weeks pregnant At 6 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing fatigue, and your baby is starting to grow arms and legs.

7 Weeks pregnant At 7 weeks pregnant, morning sickness may be kicking in, and your baby has doubled in size since last week.

8 Weeks pregnant At 8 weeks pregnant, you can hear your baby's heartbeat now, and you'll be taking many trips to the bathroom.

9 weeks pregnant At 9 weeks pregnant, you may be having pregnancy headaches, and baby is starting to develop bones.

10 Weeks pregnant At 10 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling lower back pain, and your baby is now officially a fetus!

11 Weeks pregnant At 11 weeks pregnant, you still may have morning sickness, while baby's starting to develop fingers and toes.

12 Weeks pregnant At 12 weeks pregnant, you may be starting to show! And your baby is developing reflexes and growing fast.

Weeks 13-27 You're in the second trimester of pregnancy! These guides for 13 weeks pregnant to 27 weeks pregnant will help you get ready for this stage of pregnancy. From ultrasounds to development, here's what's happening with you and baby during the second trimester weeks.

13 Weeks pregnant At 13 weeks pregnant, you'll start needing some extra calories to grow baby, and baby's getting fingerprints.

14 Weeks pregnant At 14 weeks pregnant, you might be experiencing round ligament pain, and your baby is developing lanugo.

15 Weeks pregnant At 15 weeks pregnant, you may experience a libido boost, and your baby is starting to see light.

16 Weeks pregnant At 16 weeks pregnant, you may have that 'pregnancy glow,' and your baby is developing taste buds.

17 Weeks pregnant At 17 weeks pregnant, you might feel your baby kick, and your baby is practicing sucking and swallowing.

18 Weeks pregnant At 18 weeks pregnant, you're gaining about 0.454 kilogram a week and may have balance issues. And your baby can hear!

19 Weeks Pregnant At 19 weeks pregnant, you may start feeling baby moving around, and their senses are developing.

20 Weeks Pregnant

At 20 weeks pregnant, you are halfway through your pregnancy!

21 Weeks Pregnant At 21 weeks pregnant, you may have digestive issues, and baby is now being measured from head to toe.

22 Weeks pregnant

At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby's facial features are more distinct, and get some facts about preeclampsia. 23 Weeks Pregnant Your baby is still transparent this week—but that will soon change as they begin to store fat.

24 Weeks pregnant At 24 weeks pregnant, you're prepping for your gestational diabetes test, and baby is developing surfactant. 25 Weeks pregnant At 25 weeks pregnant, you may be having trouble sleeping, and your baby knows your voice. 26 Weeks pregnant At 26 weeks pregnant, you might want to think about a birth plan. Plus, your baby's eyes are developing.

27 Weeks pregnant At 27 weeks pregnant, are you having Braxton Hicks contractions? And your baby might start dreaming this week!

28 Weeks pregnant

Weeks 28- 42 It's the third trimester now, and your baby will be here soon. As you prepare, find out what's happening with you and baby during these third trimester weeks. Here's what to know about this pregnancy stage, from contractions to birth.

28 Weeks pregnant At 28 weeks pregnant, it's the third trimester! Your baby's brain is developing, and fatigue may return. 29 Weeks pregnant

At 29 weeks pregnant, you can start prepping for what's to come in labor, and your baby's building baby fat. 30 Weeks pregnant At 30 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling heartburn and mood swings, while your baby is putting on weight. 31 Weeks pregnant

At 31 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling more aches and pains as your baby is getting bigger. 32 Weeks pregnant

At 32 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing the urge to nest, and your baby is practicing breathing. 33 Weeks pregnant

At 33 weeks pregnant, your baby's bones are hardening, and you may find yourself forgetting things. 34 Weeks pregnant At 34 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling more pelvic pressure, and your baby's tiny nails have grown. 35 Weeks pregnant

At 35 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing signs that labor is near, and baby's hearing is fully developed. 36 Weeks pregnant

At 36 weeks pregnant, your baby may have 'dropped,' and you may be experiencing the classic pregnancy waddle. 37 Weeks pregnant

At 37 weeks pregnant, your baby is now considered early term, and you may be getting ready for labor. 38 Weeks pregnant

At 38 weeks pregnant, your baby’s vocal cords are developed, and you may be feeling some anxiety. 39 Weeks pregnant

At 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is now 'full term,' and you may be feeling some lightning crotch (!). 40 Weeks pregnant

At 40 weeks pregnant, your baby's growth has slowed, and you may be considering natural induction methods. 41 Weeks pregnant At 41 weeks pregnant, your baby's nails are still growing, and you're probably wondering when baby will come. 42 Weeks pregnant

At 42 weeks pregnant, if your baby doesn't come on their own, you'll probably be induced.



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